We have taken Jordana to the Dr. 3 times for her third hepB shot. Every time we have gone, she has spiked a fever. I swear she can do it on command! This time, we made an early morning appointment before school and loaded her up with Tylenol before we left. She had 98.6 when we left the house and 99.3 by the time we got there. The Dr said it was low grade and since it was a forehead reading, it was ok. Now Jordana is freaking out. She is climbing up my neck and won't let go. So I laid her down and was practically lying on top of her. She wouldn't let go. The nurse was like, don't move.....done! Jordana didn't even know what hit her. With me lying on top of her, it kept her arms restrained and her struggle to bury herself in my neck distracted her. It was over before she could react. Not a single tear shed!!! She got a sticker and donuts for breakfast. By the time she got to school, her snoopy bandaid was on her forehead!! I gave her some Ibuprofen just in case, and left her in the care of the music teacher. When I picked her up at 4, she was having a grand old time. We are free and clear until she is 4......yes!!!
This pix represents the new best seat in the house. Randy bought this recliner and we are all always fighting over it. Jordana watches cartoon afer school one day.