Friday, November 30, 2007

Boy, do I feel old!!

Jennifer, my cousin, came down to Houston for a visit. Jennifer and her 2 friends, Kathy and Brianna, decided to spend some time in Austin, with a stop over here in Houston. I feel old, I used to baby-sit Jennifer and her sister Stacy when they were little!!! Now she is a college graduate, working in New York City, and Stacy is in her last year of college! We had a nice dinner and Jordana charmed them all! Jennifer brought her a puzzle which she LOVED!! Once she unwrapped it, she held it up screaming "Open!! Open!!" Then she started reciting the shapes. I was not surprised when she said 'circle, square, star" but I think we were all a little shocked when she said "oval"! Rectangle was hard to say, but when she said it, I could hear a bit of it! The puzzle was a hit!!
We didn't leave until almost 9 pm, Jordana didn't make it to bed until almost 10pm. She fell asleep in the car snuggling with her teddy bear. It was a good day!!

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