Ok, So Jordana was a little diva today. She had 2 costumes. There was a party at school in the morning and I didn't want her to ruin her costume. So she went as a bee, in a costume that we have had in her closet for over a year (Thanks Suzanne!!) For trick or treating, she was a 50's girl. About 2 minutes after I put the dress on her, she was spinning in circles. She is a little girly girl!
Trick or treating went well. As soon as Jordana figured out that
1. Ring bell
2. Wait for grownup to open door
3. Get candy!!!
She was all for it!! Soon she was dragging me up the walkways. Except at Steve's house. Steve loves Halloween. His front yard is full of hanging skeletons, gravestones, bones, the Grim Reaper above his walkway, and gargoyles at the end of his driveway. This house required me to hold Jordana, she would not walk up by herself. It was a little overwhelming!! With the promise of candy at the door, she braved the scary yard!!!
Our next door neighbors were not home but they left their light on. When we rang the bell and there was no answer, Jordana was very upset. I had to carry her away to the next house!! Now, what to do with all that candy......