Today is Randy and my 5th wedding anniversary. I can't believe it has been 5 years!! I still can't believe I found such a great guy and he liked me back!! 5 years later, we have survived buying a house, starting a new career, a hurricaine, 2 homeowners claims on our house (what a mess!!), a major car accident, a few deaths and a whole bunch of weddings. We have added a room onto the house, 2 new pets, and, of course, a beautiful baby girl, Jordana!! We knew having an interfaith marriage would be a challenge, but we have managed to compromise and learn to enjoy and respect the others religion. In these days, 5 years is a long time for a marriage..they say 59% of marriages end in divorce. (I think that number is going down). I can't imagine my life without this sweet, smart, loving, goofy man by my side. Everyday is an adventure and I am in it until the very end! Happy Anniversary!!
POTD #2 Snug as a Bug in a Rug
11 years ago