Seems like we go to one every weekend!!! Reagan Weaver's 4th birthday party was on Saturday. We drove down to Pearland to celebrate. It was cold!! After Jordana finally got comfortable enough to go play, she had a blast. First she played on Abby's little slide. She stood at the top and surveyed her kingdom. Then she discovered the 'rock wall'. We have this piece for our playground, but have not installed it because we thought Jordana was not ready. Well..she is now. She conquered that thing in less than 10 minutes and never fell once. I stood behind her in case she did fall...but she didn't need my help! I guess Randy will have to install the rock wall for Christmas!!!
I took of pix of Randy and Kara in a rare moment. Moments when Kara is not screaming are few. We seem to go on a 2 day cycle. She sleeps all day, has an ok night, then is miserable the next day. She screams for hours at night and then sleeps ok at night. Then the cycle begins again. Today is her sleep day. She's already slept through a feeding. We don't wake her to feed her because she is so deprived of sleep, she has huge bags under her eyes!! Of course she will only sleep really well if she is being snuggled. Put her in the bouncer or basinette or swing and she will only sleep 30 minutes. Randy and I still nap during the day when we can.