Monday, November 24, 2008

Another party....

Seems like we go to one every weekend!!! Reagan Weaver's 4th birthday party was on Saturday. We drove down to Pearland to celebrate. It was cold!! After Jordana finally got comfortable enough to go play, she had a blast. First she played on Abby's little slide. She stood at the top and surveyed her kingdom. Then she discovered the 'rock wall'. We have this piece for our playground, but have not installed it because we thought Jordana was not ready. Well..she is now. She conquered that thing in less than 10 minutes and never fell once. I stood behind her in case she did fall...but she didn't need my help! I guess Randy will have to install the rock wall for Christmas!!!
I took of pix of Randy and Kara in a rare moment. Moments when Kara is not screaming are few. We seem to go on a 2 day cycle. She sleeps all day, has an ok night, then is miserable the next day. She screams for hours at night and then sleeps ok at night. Then the cycle begins again. Today is her sleep day. She's already slept through a feeding. We don't wake her to feed her because she is so deprived of sleep, she has huge bags under her eyes!! Of course she will only sleep really well if she is being snuggled. Put her in the bouncer or basinette or swing and she will only sleep 30 minutes. Randy and I still nap during the day when we can.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I NOT take a nap!!!

Things haven't changed much...still little sleep, lots of crying. We've changed formulas so now Kara is eating less with each feeding. I don't know if the new formula is heavier, making her eat less. The crying spells are now only at night and there is some more wakefullness during the day. Some nights are good (in bed by 10:30), others not so much (in bed at 12, waking 2 to 3 times at night). We made it 2 hours at Chapman's party on Saturday before the crying started. Jordana had fun sitting on Brennan's giraffe. We got a chance to catch up with old friends.
Sunday after lunch, I suggested to Jordana that we go upstairs to read a story (code words for naptime). Usually if I convince her to read a story, I can put her down for a nap without a problem, as it is the natural progression of things. As we walked up the stairs she started whining...NO I NOT take a nap. Did I say anything about a nap? I'm being outsmarted by a 2½ year old. We got upstairs and I let her go into the game room while I sent an email. I didn't turn on the tv or anything. 10 minutes later, as I came out of my office, Jordana was passed out on the couch with a handful of stickers. She had snuggled with a extra pillow that has been lying around. No nap huh?

Friday, November 7, 2008


Halloween was a success. Jordana loved it so much, she asked to go trick or treating very day for 3 days!! We stopped at the Kerth's cul-de-sec party first and then Randy took Jordana around our neighboorhood while Kara and I gave out candy.

Fussy time...not fun time...

Anyone who says the first few weeks of a babies life is like a honeymoon is a LIAR!!!! Kara's fussy time starts around 8pm and usually ends around midnight.....except the night Randy went out of town and she cried until 2am (last night). I spend the whole day in and out of bed sleeping on and off until 1:30. I am not a happy camper. feel like I have tried everything. I don't want to create bad habits, like requiring me to rock her to sleep, or using the bouncy seat or the swing. Jordana was a horrible sleeper until she was 7 months old. I was a zombie and borderline depressed. I don't want to go there again. Jordana has been thankfully) sleeping thru these loud nights. Her only issue right now is potty training. She desperately wants to wear undies, cries when we don't allow her to (when she is sleeping), but won't tell us she needs o go potty until it is too late. We will be staying in this weekend and going potty every 30 minutes. I hope the crash course will work!!