Friday, June 12, 2009

New leaf...turned over...

Randy and I started to walk/run. We are really out of shape. Pregnancy caused me to be LAZY!!! We go out on the mornings that I am off. We've done a lot more walking, than running, and I always end up with a headache after...but we are determined to keep it up. This morning we saw around 30 turtles under the walking bridge on the green belt. A few of them were huge!!! We also saw a snake. The snake didn't scare me, Randy grabbing my arm did !!! Today we may have over done the distance, we think we went 2 miles (I left my pedometer at home). On Tuesday, we will go back to 1 mile, with the goal of running more of the mile each time. I am hoping to lose the extra 10 pounds sitting on my belly. Hopefully Randy will lose weight and his sleep apnea and snoring may disappear (wishful thinking). We are also hoping to increase stamina so we can keep up with the kids!!!

Kara is teething badly, which has caused her to be a poor sleeper yet again.....will I ever get 8 hours of sleep again?

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