Friday, May 22, 2009

Life returning to normal...

By Wednesday, the world has almost righted itself. Kara woke up fever free. Although Jordana had a fever on Tuesday night...totally random...she was fever free on Wednesday as well. Both went to school...I got a hair cut and ran some errands. NORMALCY!!! Kara is still not sleeping thru the night but at least it is not a 3 hour ordeal. She still has not crawled yet. She tries so hard but give up easily and cries...hope this is not a glimpse of her future personality. Jordana did everything early and quickly (except potty training) that I took it for granted. As for potty training....we have enlisted Primrose's help. We send Jordana to school with undies and plastic panties...and let them do the work. Jordana did great on Wednesday....then proceeded to poop in her pants at home Wed night, right after Randy asked her if she needed to go potty. Yesterday, she had a pooping accident in school but woke up dry after her nap. Last night she peed on the potty and was accident free, but woke up with a dirty pull up. She peed in the potty this morning.....things are looking up. I am a bit worried about the weekend, with Randy being alone for 4 days while I work. We'll see.
As for other things, currently reading Mary Higgins Clark new book, tried to catch up on sleep and scrapbooking (failing miserably there). I was sad to hear of the horrible fire at Gallery furniture last night, but I know Mac will recover. I'm glad So you think you can dance is back...but I hate Sonia!! I thought she was going to have a BIG O right there on TV last night!! Hope all is well in your world!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Monday crappy Monday...

It started with a 3 am wakeup call from Kara...and again at 5 am. Jordana woke up and insisted on wearing underwear. Randy believed her when she said she would pee pee on the potty. Within an hour she had peed in her pants, which I discovered 2 minutes before I tried to walk out the door. So I had to stop and change her. I got to work...and had a tech call in within an hour of me starting my shift. Then I get a phone call from Primrose...Kara has 101 fever. Argh!!! Randy picked her up and I called the dr...just in time for them to start lunch. Randy was able to get an appointment at 5:15, which means I had to leave work early. So I worked until 5:30 with no lunch break, then went to get Jordana. On the way to Jordana's school, a rock hit my windshield and chipped a large portion out of it. After getting Jordana, we had McDonalds for dinner And Kara was finally seen after 6 pm. Kara has a double ear infection and she is on her third course of antibiotics. She is home from school on Tuesday. Last night was no better, she woke up at 2am and was in and out until 7am when she woke up to be fed. What a crappy day....the only bright point was picking up Jordana and finding her in a pair of pipe cleaner glasses making her look like Harry Potter. she wore them all the way thru dinner!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Kara inherits the Dorfman ears...

Seems like Kara has the weak Dorfman ear parts. It started on Saturday. Kara always runs a fever because she has teeth coming in but Saturday her demeaner was a bit off. By Sunday, she was very whiney. At dinner time she cried for what seemed like no reason at all. We finally got her to sleep and she woke up at around 10:30 crying. After I fed her she went back to sleep with a dose of Motrin but at 3am she cried...and cried for 2 hours. Randy took her to the dr on Monday and found out she had a ruptured ear drum. I've done it twice before, I know how painful it is. My dad has bad ears too. Sorry Kara. After some antibiotics (oral and drops) and motrin around the clock, she seems better. I only hope the bacteria is not resistant to the antibiotics...since I read an article that there is a stain of ear bacteria that is resisitant to 18 different antibiotics. Kara will probably need tubes too...but they worked out great for Jordana, so it doesn't bother me.

We tried to crash potty train Jordana this weekend...and failed miserably. This girl just likes sitting in her own poop!! So we took away the underwear that she was wearing over her pull up and told her they were for girls who pee pee on the potty all the time. She will not get them back until she is ready. She just doesn't seem to understand what they are for.

Randy took Jordana fishing on Sat night. He bought her a little girls fishing rod. She loved it. She even petted the fishes (5 of them ) before they were thrown back. What a Daddy's girl.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Time to catch up

So I am the worlds worst blogger. I haven't updated in over a month. Maybe that is because I am beyond busy. I have been booked solid for over a month. Easter, Passover, Creative Memories Celebrations, CKC and work have sucked up all my time. I had inventory a few weeks ago and it was bad...again. I feel like Walgreens is setting me up for a bad inventory by underestimating my shrink all year and the huge amount of coupons we accept. In the past month, I transferred out one employee and transferred in far so good. I received a new fridge and have still not completing the transition because we are so busy filling Tamiflu rxs for the swine flu....which was completly overblown. I have had some fun times, Creative Memories Celebration at the George R Brown where I finally completed my Door county peek a boo album (only 1 ½ years later) and 5 pages. The following weekend was CKC, where I took WONDERFUL classes. Looking forward to applying my new knowledge to my pages. then there was the issue with my computer. Couldn't do anything but email and surf....couldn't download from the web or use my itunes or Sillhouette software. Thanks to Danny Delany for fixing it for I just need to get the laptop up and running so I can take it to crops....I have a dead network card in there...waiting for my netgear to arrive from ebay so I can connect again!! Once I jumped that hurdle.....the kids got sick...then i did. Jordana was diagnosed with walking pneumonia and Kara has an ear infection. Days home from school, antibiotics and nebulizer treatments has wreacked havoc on our schedule. Then I started feeling crappy. Saw the dr yesterday...good news, it's not the swine flu...just a virus. Oh, and Kara is teething so her sleep patterns are all messed up. Add a wonderful visit from my cousin and Aunt and holidays, and my dance card was full!! So here are a few pix from the last month and I will try to update more often. And to Holly F and her glad everything has worked out...Love from Houston.