Wednesday, November 21, 2007

First time ever...

I have worked for Walgreens for 9 ½ years and been a pharmacist for 8 ½. I have never messed up my schedule. I have been late twice (a few minutes) due to traffic (when I worked in Baytown) and oversleeping (dang alarm) but today was a first. Chanel and I switched shifts...but I forgot!! At 8 am, the phone rang. Randy, Jordana and I were still in our beds. Janet was wondering where I was. I had completely forgotten that Chanel had a dr's appointment!! I flew to the sink, brushed my teeth and went to the closet. I was trying to decide what to wear. I don't dress well under presure!! I finally got dressed and drove like mad to get to work. Why is it that when you're in a hurry, everyone drives really slow!!! I got to work at 8:30, no shower, no makeup. I keep a little bit of makeup in my purse so I managed to get some eyeshadow, eyeliner and lipstick on. By the time my shift was over, my scalp was itching. After dinner, instead of giving Jordana a bath, we took a shower together. She loves the shower!! I even gave her a special treat and used my salt scrup gently on her feet and elbows. Nice way to end a day that started so bad!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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