Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas

Christmas was a bit overwhelming for all of us. Jordana didn't know what to make of all the presents Santa gave her. As a matter of fact, she still hasn't opened all of them! She got a mini trampoline, an aquadoodle mat, a catepillar tunnel and house, a mini 4-wheeler, 2 huge stuffed animals, a tiara set with earrings and bracelets and many others. She got a swingset from GiGi and Grandaddy and lots of toys from Aunt Courtney. There will be no boredom in this house!!. between her Hanukkah gifts from my family and Christmas gifts grom Randy's, our house is busting at the seams!! Last night, Randy and I crashed on the couch and watched Superbad. We were exhausted!!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun!!! We wore Ryder out on Christmas opening all his presents! He crashed about half way through and we had to continue that night!!! She shouldn't run out of things to do for a very long time!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun for all.
I hope she liked her Weeble
Castle. Shannon said her first
meltdown was when I sold her
weebles at a garage sale...
she loved her weebles.
She is doing fine, by the way.
I hope you have a blessed New