Sunday, December 16, 2007

Potty time again!!!

Today, Jordana was standing in the kitchen, when she ...not so subtly, grabbed her crotch.
Randy: do you need to go TeeTee?
Jordana: yes
Randy: Go sit on your potty.

I miss this whole exchange and walk into the bathroom to see Jordana sitting on her potty, fully clothed.

Me: Do you need to go potty?
Jordana: yes!

I take her pjs and diaper off (wet diaper) and she sits on her potty. I figure this is just to go through the motions. She sits on her potty swinging her legs. I go to brush my teeth, and she walks up behind me a few minutes later. I peek in her potty...and there is PeePee!!! Yay!! 22 months old!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my neice is a genius lol. How smart is she Only cause she's raised by genius parents. I'm, glad you are feeling better. It was no picnic around here this weekene either.