Sunday, December 16, 2007

Slowly recovering...

The past few days have been rough. I experienced, what I believe, was an adverse reaction to an antibiotic. It may have been helped along by a virus that my father experienced as well. I started to feel under the weather on Wednesday night but was ok on Thursday. By Thursday night I felt real bad. Every joint in my body hurt, along with the muscles that attached them together!!! I had a severe headache and started developing a lesion on my left tonsil. By Friday afternoon I had 102 temperature. I called in to work in the morning and slept all day. Turns out dad had the same fever!! I tried to go to work Saturday morning but I lasted 20 minutes, before I called in a relief pharmacist. I went home and slept all day again. By Saturday night, I was on a different antibiotic and the muscle/joint pains had subsided a bit. I stayed home again today and just have some residual aches from being curled in a ball for 2 days, and my tonsil is healing but painfully. I think I will smell like a Halls factory tomorrow!! It's a good thing Randy was around this weekend, or I would have had to call in reinforcements to help with Jordana!

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