Thursday, September 11, 2008

Here comes Ike!!

Looks like this time we will have direct hit from IKE, unlike the last time, when the wind barely blew over a beer can. We expect to feel the winds beginning late tomorrow afternoon. I am going to work and we still stay as long as we have power, but I have no intention of going on Saturday. It has been absolute HELL at work. Today was beyond busy, and we had no fax line, printers jamming up and non stop prescriptions. Becuase of all the computer problems and the approaching storm, the warehouse from TUESDAY is still on the floor, not put up. My inventory is destroyed. By 5 pm, we were telling people the next day for their prescriptions. It was so bad, the nurse practitioner, who works in my in-store clinic, was not busy and came over and offered me help. I threw her into the fill station, gave her a crash course and she stayed there ALL DAY. What a team player!!! I will be sure to tell her boss how helpful she was. She didn't have any patients until around 6 pm. She never took a break and ordered pizza for all of us. Any suggestions on how to thank her!?? My only hope is that Sunday will be dead and we can catch up (as long as we have power). Jordana has no school tomorrow and will probably spend the day with her Aunt Courtney.
So communication may be non-existant for a while. We are only worried about the winds, flooding is not an issue where we are. this area didn't flood during Allison, and that was a 500 year we should be ok. During Rita, we lost power for about 5 hours (I was 5 months pregnant then). We expect to sit in the dark for a while and we have a generator and an air conditioning unit. We will camp out in our master bedroom to stay cool and hope for minimal damage. Randy will board up tomorrow if the winds are sustaining. If they are gusts, we may not bother. Tonight we bring in all the projectiles, the wind chimes and bird feeders (we have a ton of them) and Jordana's swings and toys. I will be emptying out the hall closet in case of tornados, and we have a ton of flashlights and candles.
That's the plan, wish us luck, and track the storm at
We'll see you on the other side!!!

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