Thursday, December 11, 2008
Snowflakes and smiles...

Randy snapped the pix of Kara in the morning before school. Kara likes to have her face touched and it sends her to all smiles!!!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Catch up...

Monday, November 24, 2008
Another party....
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I NOT take a nap!!!
Sunday after lunch, I suggested to Jordana that we go upstairs to read a story (code words for naptime). Usually if I convince her to read a story, I can put her down for a nap without a problem, as it is the natural progression of things. As we walked up the stairs she started whining...NO I NOT take a nap. Did I say anything about a nap? I'm being outsmarted by a 2½ year old. We got upstairs and I let her go into the game room while I sent an email. I didn't turn on the tv or anything. 10 minutes later, as I came out of my office, Jordana was passed out on the couch with a handful of stickers. She had snuggled with a extra pillow that has been lying around. No nap huh?
Friday, November 7, 2008
Fussy time...not fun time...
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Too tired for words
Here is a conversation I had with Jordana the other day:
Me: Jordana why do you have to touch everything? (after she brings me an open bottle of Mylicon drops, that was closed before she touched it)
Jordana: I don't know.
Me: You are impossible!
Jordana: I NOT IMPOSSIBLE...I Jordana Kerth!!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
She's finally here...
My labor started on Sunday but really started to intensify around 5pm. We ate dinner and put Jordana to bed and called my father-in-law to come over. By 1 AM I was admitted to the hospital. I quickly got my fluids and my epidural. Of course my doctor was on vacation, so the covering doc came in around 6am to check things out. He had am surgery and they started pitocin after he finished since my contractions seemed to slow down. Once the pitocin started, we were moving!! I pushed for about 10 or 15 minutes and there she was!! Since they had stopped my epidural so I could push, I actually felt her being born (and because she was so big). With Jordana, I guess I was too numb or she was too small. It was a strange feeling. I was so tired. When I got to my own room I slept for about an hour and was woken up by the worst contraction I had ever felt. Since I didn't have my epidural, and I didn't know that I was still getting pitocin....I was pissed. I called the nurse for some pain pills. I really didn't want them because they make me sick and I had alredy thrown up once from the epidural. I had a phenergan shot earlier and it helped me. The nursery brought Kara in and I sent them away. The pain was so bad I was shaking violently. I cried myself to sleep.
I really wanted to breastfeed Kara, since I was unable to do it for Jordana. Once again, the lactation consultant never showed up at the hospital. I knew I had a few days to decide. The first night we were home, Kara slept from 11pm to 5am. The second night, 12 pm to 6am. I have decided not to breastfeed because she is sleeping so well.. I know it is selfish, but Jordana kept me awake for 7 months. I was a zombie and had to take anti-depressants. I really don't want to go through that again!! Of course the minute I made that decision...my milk came in. Boy does it hurt.
Jordana seems to be taking it well. She stared hugging and kissing Kara right away. Whenever Kara cries, she says "it's ok baby". The only problem is there have been some incidents of un explainable crying. The past 2 nights, Jordana has become beligerent and when we try to sit down to dinner, she starts crying for no reason. Randy and I are at a loss. She refuses to listen to us, to the point where what she is doing might be dangerous (standing on kitchen chair) or completely disrespectful (yelling back at us). And when we confront her, she startes blubbering. It breaks my heart and I want to cry with her, but there is just no reason for it. We only hope it is because she is still suffering from strep and may be hurting. We have a birthday party tomorrow, so we'll see how she handles that.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Jordana and the corn on the cob....
We were cracking up!!
So we are still waiting for baby to arrive, but at least now we have cable!! Just in time for me to watch the tear jerker CSI season premier last night. I know the hormones pushed along the tears, but I cried alot. It was a good farewell to Gary...he will be missed. I know he screwed up so hopefully he can get his life back on track! Today, we are awaiting Comcast's arrival again because we are still having trouble with the HD DVR box. After our cable was restored yeserday (which took all of 2 ½ minutes to do), the HD box would not boot. After calling Comcast, I took it down to trade it out and got a brand new Cisco HD DVR. It worked great....until I tried to watch a premium channel. After 4 different calls to Comcast, they finally agreed to send someone out today. Still waiting....Luckily we were able to get the premiums in other rooms, and we caught up on Entourage last night. LOVE that show!!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Still waiting...
We still don't have cable, hopefully that will be solved tomorrow, especially the much anticipated season premier of CSI is tomorrow!!! I am at my wits end with Comcast. Everytime I call I get a different answer and a different level of service. Because I have an appointment scheduled tomorrow morning...I bet I go into labor tonight.... Channel 11 news at 6 will be doing a blurb on Comcast, with them trying to explain why their customers have no service. I can't wait to hear this!!!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
A horrible accident...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Officially off work...
I had an appointment with Comcast to re-install our cable line today. It was the second time I had an appointment for this. By noon...no word. So I called Comcast and sure enough.."there is no appointment in the system for you". I lost it. The guy I talked to was of no help and said he couldn't get anyone here until NEXT Friday. No can do, I want to speak to a supervisor. They are all in a meeting, call back later. ARGH!!!! In the mean time I called AT&T and signed up for uverse. We will save over $100 a month, but can't get an install until 10/21. That's ok. I am looking foward to recording tv that I can watch in any room...not just the room I recorded in. That's an advantage...when you have kids, they never want to stay in one room for long!!! Bad news is we need a box for every TV (6 of them). With Comcast, we only needed boxes on 4 tv's, the rest we just hooked directly into the wall. But even with the 2 extra boxes...it's still cheaper. I called Comcast back and asked for a supervisor. While I was waiting, the agent asked me what the problem was. I told him we had a line down. He says "We can fix that this week". I was flabbergasted! Why didn't the other guy tell me that??!! Outside repairs are priority right now. If that is the only problem...we can do that this week. So he has me hold for his supervisor...and then when he transfers me...her VM picks up!! I still havn't heard back from her.
Then I spent the rest of the day determining what health insurance to sign up for. Cigna dropped Walgreens for next year. Our new choices are the Walgreens PPO, Aetna and a new CDHP. After hours of calculating and pouring over old claims and calling Mediclaim twice, I have decided on the CDHP. It will take less out of my paycheck, but cost more when we visit md's. That is ok, because I can claim that on Flex Pay. As long as we don't have any major catastrophes, we should save money next year on health care. It won't seem like it becuase it will cost a little more per visit, but the deduction from my paycheck will be MUCH smaller. I spend all day explaining customers health insurance to them...and I needed to have someone explain it to me!!!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Slowly returning to normal....
Jordana spent her first night in her big girl bed last night and did well. She is currently napping in it right now. Considering how bad of a day we had yesterday...I'm surprised it went so well. We took her to get a haircut yesterday...not something new...and she had a total meltdown. We left without the haircut. She carried on for over an hour. After I put her down for a nap, she slept 3 hours and woke up and said, "I want a haircut". I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. We decided not to go back out...and it is a good thing we didn't, she had another meltdown at dinner. She refused to sit with us and eat. We are not allowing her to be the wanderer that she is during meal times and it has not been easy. After Randy and I finished, we put her in her PJ's. She started crying again and said she wanted dinner. We made her sit at the table and eat. She scarfed down her dinner like she hadn't eaten in a week. She was in a better mood, so we decided to try the big bed. She was asleep rather quickly. She tossed and turned a bit, so I pulled the comforter off, and we didn't hear a peep from her until 7:30 this morning. (we set up the new video monitor we got for the baby so we could keep an eye on her). Today she was in a better mood, but is still not too keen on the hair cut. We may try later this afternoon.
The bad news I have is that I may have lost my computer. It was running fine after the power was restored. I watched 3 hours of TV on it on Friday night. Yesterday, when I went upstairs, the battery backup was screaming. My computer was off. I rebooted the backup, only to hear it screaming again a few hours later. So I shut it off. This morning, I plugged the computer into a power strip and rebooted....and it won't boot. It has been doing this repair thing for a few hours. HP said it may take a few hours to complete, but I see no progress. Of course the battery company is closed on the weekend. I feel that their product caused this problem. According to the warranty, they will replace damaged batteries and computers...but that will not help me if I lose everything. This will be the 4th time in 5 years that I have had complete computer failure. If they replace the computer....I'm getting a DELL!!! It will take me weeks to get everything back to normal. So if correspondence is slow from me...you know why.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
The last to get power....
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Things I have learned from the storm...
The "clean side" is just as bad as the dirty side...just less flooding.
Living in a forest has it's down side...during a hurricaine.
I can live without electricity (as long as there is a generator)...but not without water.
Insurance companies suck...filed a claim a week ago and have not heard a peep from them.
Neighbors can surprise you.
So can landscape companies...Aaron got a quote to remove his falling tree....$6500....he then found someone to do it for $1500. Some people have no shame.
Jordana says "oh my gosh" alot.
I'm glad I work....I could not be a full time mom.
Jordana thinks the bread at Outback (the pumpernickel kind) is "Chocolate bread".
My Palm Centro is WONDERFUL....kept me online and with email all week.
My dogs drive me crazy when I am cooped up with them all day.
Braxton-hicks contractions are not fun....especially when they happen the day of the hurricaine and you don't know if there is a hospital with power anywhere...let alone clear roads.
Traffic lights are a GOOD thing.
I discovered the joy of watching TV on the internet ( I was able to watch BONES from Wed night)
2 Generators are better than one....especially if you have DSL and your phones work!!!
Swollen ankles are NO FUN!!!
Jordana LOVES taking showers now...we do it every night before bed (since I am not comfortable giving her a bath at night with no lights!!!)
Most of my customers have been understanding....which make me love my store even more. then there are those who are not regular customers, and are just using us because everyone else is closed, and think their problems are the only problems.
Walgreens shocked me by providing gasoline (free) for its employees when the local tanks were empty, and lunch for 2 days. Oh and blowing OT and budgets out of the water.
I may feel like I have it bad...but there are others who have it worse:
Angela who lost her entire roof...and her house
Jeff who has no power or generator, bad roof damage...and some nasty neighbors
The residents of Galveston, Boliver, Jamaica Beach.....who lost everything
The power workers who lost their lives trying to restore power to the city
I am grateful for
no injuries (except Randys wasp sting and my dads busted up leg)
No major damage to homes for my family
The animals of Moody gardens, the Aquarium and the Zoo making it through the storm unscathed
The cold front which has made it more bareable the past few days.
Hurricaine Ike...the aftermath
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Sometimes it is ok to be a follower...
Here comes Ike!!
So communication may be non-existant for a while. We are only worried about the winds, flooding is not an issue where we are. this area didn't flood during Allison, and that was a 500 year flood...so we should be ok. During Rita, we lost power for about 5 hours (I was 5 months pregnant then). We expect to sit in the dark for a while and we have a generator and an air conditioning unit. We will camp out in our master bedroom to stay cool and hope for minimal damage. Randy will board up tomorrow if the winds are sustaining. If they are gusts, we may not bother. Tonight we bring in all the projectiles, the wind chimes and bird feeders (we have a ton of them) and Jordana's swings and toys. I will be emptying out the hall closet in case of tornados, and we have a ton of flashlights and candles.
That's the plan, wish us luck, and track the storm at www.weather.com
We'll see you on the other side!!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
hell at work...it's the only way to describe it...

Sunday, September 7, 2008
Car damage repaired
Mommy and me weekend
This pix was taken a few weeks ago but this is a common scene from the backseat of my car. Jordana LOVES her stuffed animals. When she is tired, she likes to snuggle with them in her car seat and watch a movie. I think it is adorable! You can see she still has a paci problem.
This week starts my 10 day stretch and we await to see what IKE will do, if he heads this way, I may get the weekend off after all!!!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Happy Anniversary!!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Welcome to the blog world Shanna!!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Hamilton next weekend and see if Ben's guys can work a (cheap) miracle on it. Since Randy and I have such a special relationship with Ben, little things like this don't bother me as much as they used to. Why get mad when it was my own fault?
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Someone got a promotion.....
Sunday, August 10, 2008
No wind damage...and a garage sale...
Jordana was playing in the backyard and decided to go for a swim...fully clothed. Who needs a bathing suit?
Monday, August 4, 2008
Hurricaine's a comin'......
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Success at the Dr.'s office...finally
Monday, July 7, 2008
Catching up...
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wonderful silence!!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Disaster area.
I hope to post some pix next week from CKU and a few of the family.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Still waiting.....
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
It will all end soon, I hope
Sunday, May 25, 2008
And the drama continues...
Friday, May 23, 2008
How does it know?
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Rough week...
Monday, May 19, 2008
Drumroll please....
Friday, May 16, 2008
What a cute present!!
Sprained wrist started a bad day...
At this point, my wrist is killing me, I can hardly pick Jordana up. We went to McDonalds for dinner (where I changed Jordana's diaper and found...yep. diarrhea) and I headed to the mini ER. There was no other patients there....we were taken care of right away. After a few x-rays, the Dr. determined that there are probably no fractures ( the radiologist will double check tomorrow) and it is just a bad sprain. So they bandaged me up and sent me home. It's not easy being a mom with a sprained, bandaged wrist.
I wanted to go to the Amercan Baby Faire tomorrow but we will have to see how Jordana feels in the morning and how my wrist is. What a day!!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Blood tests....normal!!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
inventory revisited....and a fussy 2 year old
On a family note...Jordana has had a rough couple of days. She was whiny, fussy and unco-operative. She has not eaten in our presence (but she eats her school food!!) Tonight, after I came home from work with dinner from Taco Cabana, she tore herself away from Ratatouille to eat something, finally!! She ate a huge portion of beans, half of a tortilla and some pudding for dessert. Then she (happily) took a shower with me, got in her PJ's and went to bed (although a bit late). Maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel!!!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Mr. Martin: looks good
me: are you nuts?
Mr. Martin: guess you didn't hear the good news?
Me. NO!!
Mr: Martin: They found the missing money. We were billed for someone else's warehouse delivery in January. The DM found it. We are going to have to fight for it but it means your looking at a pick up...and positive shrink
(For you non- retail people...this is good.....negative shrink means missing money and lost profit)
Monday, April 21, 2008
It's too early for this heat...
Speaking of work, I am stressing a bit....I have inventory next Tuesday. Although I have always had a good inventory (there was that one bad on where it turns out the RPh was stealing, and the other time when I had only been the RXM for 3 days), it still causes me anxiety. It's like part of my report card. It's amazing how in my personal life I don't give a crap what people think of me and I stopped jumping through hoops to make people happy and be my friend years ago, but at work, there are many times where I wonder how I am doing, what the higher ups think of me. Although I hate jumping through the hoops, I still do it anyway. It is especially stressful since we were down 1 script for march, and down 7 scripts the first 7 days this month...for the first time in 4 years. Anyway...wish me luck.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Jump party!!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Still feeling the effects of the pulled tooth
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
I am the same, with one less tooth...
For those of you who have know me a long time, you know I have had dental problems for years. I was given tetracycline as a baby to treat high fevers. In the 70's, it was unknown the damage tetracycline causes to calcium containing substances, such as teeth and bone. Luckily, all that was damaged was my teeth. I had severe staining and my teeth were very soft, causing multiple cavities. I had my wisdom teeth extracted my senior year and for graduation, my parents paid for a cosmetic procedure that would perfect my smile. I have had over 100 shots of novacaine in my life and 1 root canal. Needless to say, my trips to the dentist are always filled with anxiety.
Dr. Barksdale was more concerned about the baby. The poison in my jaw could hurt the baby if it made it into my blood stream. The tooth needed to go now. So he called my OB/GYN to clarify what I could have and promptly shot me up with novacaine. The tooth was out in 10 minutes and I was on my way.
So now I am properly drugged up and feel like I was punched in the mouth. The icing on the cake? My dentist called me at home tonight to see how I was feeling. So I am the same person I was this morning, just with one less tooth.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Walking with Dinosaurs